Friday, April 25, 2008

Chief Instructor's Report: SEISHINKAN Kata Clinic

From: The Chief Instructor

I just finished the Portland Gasshuku a few hours ago and am writing this message from Sensei Ellis's house. The event was a great success. I heard so many good comments from many participants who came up to me after the Gasshuku. The focus of the Gasshuku was kata. The first day, we spent two hours going through details of Sanchin kata, the fundamental kata for our style. During the class, we went through why Sanchin kata is so important, and how Sanchin kata will be used in other kaishu-gata. On the second day, we had senior sensei (Sensei Bob Ellis, Sensei Gene Villa, Sensei Brent Hartwig and Sensei Ernie Brennecke) check every single participant's kata. Each participant got private lessons and comments from some of the finest instructors in the IOGKF USA that he or she can bring back home and practice. We also had a short lecture of Goju-Ryu history and concerning Higaonna Sensei's famous Yoyogi Dojo training back 40 years ago by Sensei Bob Ellis and Sensei Ernie Brennecke. They were quite interesting stories. Sensei Ernie was in the Yoyogi Dojo in 1964, one year before I was born! How old is he? Please don't ask:-) I would like to thank all attendants, and dojo heads, and senior sensei (Sensei Bob, Sensei Gene, Sensei Brent, Sensei Ernie) for sharing your experience and knowledge that made this gasshuku so special.

A Special thank you to Sensei Bob and his family for the great hospitality and for hosting this event. I surely had a wonderful time. We have so many talented instructors within our organization. We should start setting the stage to ask for these instructors to come forward and share their knowledge. It will benefit all of us.

Best regards,
Tetsuji Nakamura
IOGKF North America Chief Instructor

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